Rising Food Costs

Across the country and in Cobb County, consumers are feeling the strain of rising food costs. Kroger shopper Maria Stiles-Manjarrez looks to buy more in bulk now. 

Rising Food Costs

Steve Van Meter, Kroger West Marietta Crossing store manager, reported that he has noticed changes in various departments across the store as well as in shopper’s habits as they work to adjust to these rising prices. He said the store has mostly been affected in the meat department. 

—MDJ reporter Énoa Gibson and Bloomberg News reporter Olivia Rockeman contributed to this report


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(3) comments

Howard Peterson

If lottery tickets were food items, we would all have plenty to eat....

Mike Nelson

In less than 2 years the President, using that term loosely have decimated our economy. They will blame it on everything but themselves. Remember that when you get to vote.

Dave Shelles

Ask the CEOs of big corporations why they feel the need to raise prices to make up for two years of lower-than-expected revenues. It has nothing to do with politicians, it's all about the craven and sociopathic pursuit of profit at the expense (literally) of the 99 percent. Short of a general strike, I can't think of any other solutions.

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