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(2) comments

George Don Spruill

"Georgia’s two U.S. senators, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, both Republicans, predictably praised the president’s appointing Barrett to the Supreme Court, as did most of the congressional delegation. Republicans consider the new justice highly qualified and applaud her conservative views." Predictably praised? If the Leftists Senators in the Democrat Party were as honest and truthful as they are political and biased, every one of them would complement Justice Barrett for her credentials and her experience both as an educator and on the bench. This country may be divided, but we are not equal in our opinions. Which party is the party of abortion? Which party is talking about packing the Supreme Court? Which party is talking about adding states? Which party is talking about abolishing the filibuster? Please don't make it sound like the two political parties are simply divided over items of small import. This is not like the Democrat and Republican parties of my youth, of which George Wallace (a Democrat you will remember) said, "They ain't a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties." The issues of division between the parties include the life and death of human beings and the life and death of our Constitution. Don't let business reasons (trying not to lose Leftist subscribers) overrule your ability to see and speak the truth.

Mike Nelson

If you don’t agree with a Democrat there is conversation. Your a liar and a racist. There is no middle ground and it is getting much worse.

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